Drama class postpones fall play

Because of the trips to state earned by the Maple Lake High School volleyball and football teams, the fall play scheduled for this week has been postponed to Nov. 17-19. The serious drama, “Shun the Heaven,” written by Alan Haehnel and produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc., will be presented by the MLHS drama class. In a small rural town in the south live two simple-minded fifteen-year-old girls. Under the guidance of their mother and the local reverend, the girls discover they have a unique gift. Their gift provokes greed and exploitation from those around them, with damaging results. Curtain: 7:01 p.m. on Nov. 17, 18, and 19. Tickets are available at the door. Members of Mary Beth Barder’s class involved in the production are: Tom Piram, Jenna Anderson, Bernadette Loch, Amber Dale, Jill Boros, Alyssa Maher, Miranda Jordan, Nina Simonette, Ben Hudek, Dakota Decker, Shelby Lengyel, Leah Pumarlo, and Kyle Jackson.

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