Legal Notice: March 11, 2015


Feb. 17, 2015 Minutes
The regular meeting of the Maple Lake Township Board was called to order by Chairman Gerry Giebenhain at 7 p.m. Supervisors  Ronald Wolff and Tom Neumann, Treasurer Judy Neumann and Clerk Dick Hogan were present.
The minutes of the Jan. 20 meeting were read by Chairman Giebenhain. As no additions or corrections were noted, a motion was offered by Wolff, seconded by Neumann, to accept as read. Carried 3-0.
Mike Niewind, general manager of Advanced Disposal Rolling Hills Landfill, updated the board on a future development of the 460-acre property, which they are seeking approval of a 72-acre waste disposal site within the 460-acre property. The proposed expansion includes 33 counties within a 75-mile radius and will hold 7.7 million cubic yards of industrial waste and construction and demolition waste. The project consists of phased construction of lined cells and an active gas collection system, with a gas burning flare. Future proposals would also include a household waste disposal.
A motion was made by Wolff, seconded by Neumann, that the Maple Lake Town Board was not in favor of a permit being granted, or expansion of the existing facility. Carried 3-0.
A motion was offered by Giebenhain, seconded by Wolff, to approve the list of election judges available for the town officers election March 10. Carried 3-0.
All warrants were paid as presented.
As no additional business was brought before the board, Chairman Giebenhain adjourned the regular meeting at 8:40 p.m.
Dick Hogan, Clerk

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